

The overarching goal of psychotherapy research is to understand alternative forms of treatment, the mechanisms and processes through which these treatments operate, and the impact of treatment and moderating influences on maladaptive and adaptive functioning. The research methods (including approaches to assessment) used to address the many issues of psychotherapy are critically important because answers to the substantive questions that guide psychotherapy research are inextricably bound to the methods employed to answer them. The availability of reliable, valid, and feasible measurement tools is crucial in order to appropriately study the multifaceted aspects of the psychotherapeutic enterprise. Members of the UBC Psychotherapy Program have contributed to the area of psychotherapy measurement by developing a variety of scales that both researchers and clinicians can use, including measures of therapist adherence to the treatment model, patient readiness for psychotherapy, and treatment outcome expectations, which are listed below.

Please contact Dr. John Ogrodniczuk for requests of these scales and their scoring instructions.