Although the UBC Psychotherapy Program does not operate a clinical service, it is engaged in a variety of activities that help advance psychotherapy service provision. These include the development of specialized resources for clinicians and members of the public, as well as consultation to community mental health clinicians and programs regarding service provision and psychotherapy supervision. Furthermore, various members of the Program provide independent psychotherapy services.
Members of the UBC Psychotherapy Program have written a number of books dedicated to enhancing the delivery of efficient and effective psychotherapies. These books include:
- Understanding and Treating Psychological Narcissism
- Termination in Psychotherapy: A Psychodynamic Model of Processes and Outcomes
- Short-Term Group Therapies for Complicated Grief: Two Research-Based Models
- Interpretive and Supportive Psychotherapies: Matching Therapy and Patient Personality
- Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Little Psychotherapy Book: Object Relations in Practice
Canada’s first online resource dedicated to men who battle depression – HeadsUpGuys – was developed by members of the UBC Psychotherapy Program. Providing tips, tools, information about professional services, and stories of success, this unique web site has quickly become the leading resource for men with depression, as well as their friends and families. HeadsUpGuys has been featured widely in the media, including CBC Radio; Huffington Post Canada, Huffington Post US, Huffington Post UK; Vancouver Sun; Vancity Buzz; Movember Radio; and many others.
Members of the UBC Psychotherapy Program developed the Borderline Personality Disorder Clinician Resource Centre, an online resource – the first of its kind – designed to provide health-care providers with up-to-date, research-based information on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This resource is intended to serve as a hub of contemporary understandings of BPD, with an emphasis on effective treatments and therapeutic practices. To learn more, please visit
Members of the UBC Psychotherapy Program provide clinical supervision services and workshops to clinics and individual clinicians throughout the province of BC and beyond. To learn more, please contact Dr. David Kealy or Dr. Rene Weideman.
This list is currently being constructed and will be available soon.